Wednesday 5 March 2008

South Ockendon Community Forum. How Low Can They Go

Fabrication & Lies
It is a sorry day to have to report that my editor had received a letter from these people, which was a complete fabrication, stating that he was verbally abusive to a volunteer of the Forum. This is so untrue.
At the time of the alledged incident, Cllr Barrie Lawrence was in attendance at the Forum and standing next to him the whole time and he never heard any abuisive remarks at all. These people at the Forum are not Honest people and are trying to manipulate situations to suit their own agenda's.
Chris Savill is my Editor and he strives for Honesty for the people of South Ockendon. He has nothing to gain on a personal basis, not even donations of any sort. Chris has no hidden agenda's, he genuinly believes in his community and challenges anything that is threatening the Communities well being. He gains nothing personally except the satisfaction of seeing things being put right.
A complaint was made to SOCF regarding them being in breech of their own constitution, by refusing to display a leaflet re Little Belhus Country Park in their window, which gave information taken from official documents and a section of how this could affect you. They refused it because they were supporting the Country Park, full stop. No Debate out in the community, no vote, no proper information until the last minute.
SOCF has been involved in consultations with Rural Arisings and Belhus Land Ltd for 18 Months and not put it out to the Community in the proper maner and full disclosure until now. They all Knew the pitfalls of Heavy Traffic through the Village and Belhus and the fact that Uknown Toxic and Industrial waste substances are going to be disturbed on the Arisdale site. They are also aware of the Traffic Pollution and the Possible Pollution from the site will cause problems but choose to draw a blank from it.
This is why they have set up a SPIN by way of throwing accustions at Chris to draw attention away from themselves. What they have done to him is Despicable. Chris has emailed the Forum requesting a meeting with the 4 Directors and the person who wrote the allegation and with Cllr Barrie Lawrence as Material Witness to Chris's visit to the forum.
Watch this space, because Chris Does not like LIARS AND CHEATS.


Anonymous said...

It is another sad story for South Ockendon.
If thou faint in the day of adversity, thy strength is small.
Never surrender.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for that LS. As I live and breathe, these people will not get away with the shame that they bring on themselves with their lies and bullying tactics. They claim they are a Ltd Company and can please themselves, not that their mission statement claims that "The Forum is run by the People of South Ockendon for the the People of South Ockendon".